Thursday, May 31

Another New Page

Well, it's not a big news for some friends
I changed to a NEW JOB
Yep, that's correct...
After 3 years and 9 months stay at previous company, at last I got my courage to leave there
From sales & marketing dept - administrator, that's totally a different field
Used to talk a lot (either to walk-in customers/on-call customers)
Now it's totally a silent world
Hmm...(gonna adapt to that)
And, used to do everything in manual way(previous comp using WinXP -_-)
Current comp have more sophisticated way and using Win7
(lucky I'm using laptop with Win7)
It just been 2 weeks in the current comp
And, the difference is HUGE
Way a lot...
With building of 6-storeys, and every different depts, it's kinda having a huge family here
(kinda like grandpa-great grandchildren style...kay, I'm just exaggerating it, lol)
And 'lifestyle' here way to steady...
(used to have 'URGENT' in everything previously, kinda like those will have heart attack anytime)
But didn't regret to quit previous job & accepted this new job
Life is short & you only young once
Don't wanna be until 'lao kok kok' (i.e. old and haggard), and just have decision to explore new career
I do miss old colleagues (those that really close to me, as they really extremely nice to me)
But, I try to make 'connection' with new colleagues right here too..
Been keep reminding myself that my aerial kinda short, that's why there's something wrong with the connection -_-|||
Anyway, those in the past will be my 4eva sweet memory & I'll never forget them
*sob sob*

used to have a lot paper on my desk, doing everything in manual way (old office b4 renovation)
see, I'm so hardworking there, lol, D always snap-shoot me when I not aware >_< (using my HTC)
BTW, D kinda like to snap-shoot others colleagues too
That's why we called him CKP (cikopeh - pervert, lol)

well, not all the time work hard, we did played a little too, D with the fabrication item, erm, think is L-pipe or something
(top left, clockwise)
Uncle Seng the most respectable senior citizen, he's a driver but he's a nice person
(though he have a bad mouth, like to scold foul words)
GraGra & me - at upstairs while our old office having renovation
D is a gamer, and he plays during office hour too (even got warning from Big Boss before -.-)
D again, with lazy style, wtf

Oh, D just don't like to expose his face to public

Aww... Sweet!
(top left) GraGra had a surprise birthday celebration for me at the office, first time in 2 years!
(top right) GraGra organized a birthday dinner for ViVi, he forced D to bring us out, lol!
(bottom) had D's birthday lunch at Pasta Mania (I do look stupid here, lol)
and we celebrate GraGra birthday at K-Box, 1 of her fav place
well, those were in 2010

last year D had pizza as birthday lunch, lol (GraGra arrangement too)
and last year we had a new 'member' - yingtao xiaomei, this was her birthday last year :p
ViVi birthday falls on Apr, so she always be the first to celebrate birthday - 2012
Wow, just discovered GraGra can be a event planner! she really good at it!
Well, beside birthday celebrations, we have others outings too :p

dinner with one of our supplier's staff, she such a sweet girl
capture of our last year comp's annual dinner - got it from GraGra
buffet dinner sponsored by Big Boss - my last dinner at the comp too :'(
(D showing middle finger, lol)
oh, oh, this was from last year, the company behind our company had a chemical explosion
cool! erm, not cool for them...and, we ran outta office,not working, watching this for 4 hours *grin*
Sat lunch, the only day D will bring GraGra, ViVi and me out to other nearby canteen to have our fav meatball soup noodles

Awwhhh...these photos really makes me miss them more
But I'm doing OK at the moment

D whatapps-ed me with this photo - GraGra having lunch alone without me, bimbo D, I know ViVi was there leh

I discovered that if before/during the process of new job searching
  • make sure the location is near your place, unless you don't mind waking up extra early
  • remember to ask benefits (annual leaves, bonus, medical fees, transportation if have) during the interview
  • find a job you feel confident with, not the job with higher salary and ends up not liking the job
  • makes sure the salary & benefits better than previous (-_-||| well, this is not a tip)

Lol, just be courageous when you decide to leave & don't ever look back
(unless they offer better prospect in future)

...:::short rant:::..

no song attracts me recently, til I did some searching on Korean Band
like this song with Park Min-Young in the MV



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