Well, it's not a big news for some friends
I changed to a NEW JOB
Yep, that's correct...
After 3 years and 9 months stay at previous company, at last I got my courage to leave there
From sales & marketing dept - administrator, that's totally a different field
Used to talk a lot (either to walk-in customers/on-call customers)
Now it's totally a silent world
Hmm...(gonna adapt to that)
And, used to do everything in manual way(previous comp using WinXP -_-)
Current comp have more sophisticated way and using Win7
(lucky I'm using laptop with Win7)
It just been 2 weeks in the current comp
And, the difference is HUGE
Way a lot...
With building of 6-storeys, and every different depts, it's kinda having a huge family here
(kinda like grandpa-great grandchildren style...kay, I'm just exaggerating it, lol)
And 'lifestyle' here way to steady...
(used to have 'URGENT' in everything previously, kinda like those will have heart attack anytime)
But didn't regret to quit previous job & accepted this new job
Life is short & you only young once
Don't wanna be until 'lao kok kok' (i.e. old and haggard), and just have decision to explore new career
I do miss old colleagues (those that really close to me, as they really extremely nice to me)
But, I try to make 'connection' with new colleagues right here too..
Been keep reminding myself that my aerial kinda short, that's why there's something wrong with the connection -_-|||
Anyway, those in the past will be my 4eva sweet memory & I'll never forget them
*sob sob*