Thursday, January 10

2013~ new resolutions?

fireworks above our head! how cool is that! except for the debris after few shot... -.-|||

was pretty high during the countdown street concert at KL
the trip was OK except for the phone's lost part T^T been 10 days now since 2012
and everyone have at least 1 new resolution
made me thinking do I need have too??? o.O

okaayyy....maybe I should, just for a reminder for myself...haha!

  1. get myself to get used to rush everything<< did procrastinate a lot
  2. new template or banner for my site << started to get bored of it
  3. masters my baby MAC by first half year << T3T MAC just too hard to learn
  4. make more friends, especially around my age XD << my friends range just too small
  5. finish all the books I had << had started read since last week o.O
  6. finish all the comics I had << maybe after I done with my books?
  7. register myself for a short course << means need save from now onwards, no more overspending
  8. complete my online study << accessible til July (die!die!)
  9. plan on my special trip << just hoping there will be cheap sales on the flight ticket >.<
  10. find a new job with a higher salary << dependent on finance status either to allow changes -___-

actually, have 1 or 2 more than this but gonna keep it for myself
hehe *smirk*

yea...hopefully can done all by this first half year
(umm, maybe except for last,lolz!)


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