Wednesday, July 20



Didn't Know When Started Into This Cam-Whoring

Anytime Anywhere Any Person

Maybe Trying to Learn to Make Face's Skin 'Thicker'

Learn to Self-Daring to Face Public / Strangers

And Learning to Express Out Suitable Face Expression on Different Situations

(Acting! Lolz!)

Latest Cam-Whoring from Desaru

Preferring Left Photo

Fairer Skin! Always Wanted Skin Like That!

Whitening Treatment!!! Sure Need It!

Cam-Whore Buddy

Probably Cuz' of Our Similarity - Longer Arms

Face Expression Look More Natural & in Ease When Cam-Whore My Own Self

Never Learned to Show Natural Expression When In Front Others' Lens


Lolz! Or Just Probably Not So Daring

Even Babe Can't Stand a While When I'm Cam-Whore Myself (J.K)




Anonymous said...

Err...Since when you stole my hat? It is the same.

Jen said...

reli? lolz! actually is my fren's hat, surname Lau too..ur 'family' reli hv same taste wor.. hahaha!

Anonymous said...
