Sunday, February 9

More Than Words

"Been 1 mth & 10 days since 2014"

-That's how long the weeds had been growing ever since last Dec-

Was having a lot of thoughts in the shower just now, and, suddenly it just disappeared within the next half an hour...

Guess next time need to bring along a notebook to shower too (just saying xD)

Well, as above heading, it's two O one four in the present, and this year was so determined not to set any resolution like last year. Why so!? Out of ten resolutions, only one of TEN was accomplished! (Failed! Failed MAX!) Hence, I'm just gonna 'bring forward' the resolution from last year to be accomplished by this year!!!! (Now no more talks, have to walk the walk!)

Now, if rewind my episodes back to last year.... I did managed to travel to 2 countries - New Zealand & Taiwan, not a bad achievement huh! (And had a BIG sized hole in my wallet after these trips). But I did minimised the budget for both trips, think I did manage to use the minimun of the budget. Like the saying 要去旅行不去旅遊. Travel in less and gain more knowledge. No sponsorship from family or others, kinda proud I can make it myself, though *giggle to the max*

The last event in the blog was in July and been blogged during early DEC. (failed blogger, though not an avid)

Summary of events:-

Sept-Oct 2012 - Hong Kong - Macau Trip

End of Oct 2012 - Halloween at USS

Apr 2013 - USS

June 2013 - Kluang Trip

July 2013 - MBS Stay (blogged)

Aug 2013 - New Zealand Trip, Chili's BDay Celebration

Nov 2013 - Taiwan Trip

Dec 2013 - X'mas 2013

Jan 2014 - KL, Babe's BDay Celebration

Feb 2014 - Missing CNY

These are the events that hopefully can be blogged out soon. *crossing fingers*

The main PROBLEM is procrastination, which I still unable to rectify (ughh, hate myself for that).
With the age and personality now, I probably should have "don't bother" attitude, and change with this attitude - "do 1st, think later". But it's also because of the AGE, it's not possible to not think about the consequences...

How I wish I was able to be like Chili, she often said - Pray hard, God will have his own plan.

*yawn* gonna put a halt of this post here, goin' to crush bed sooner (headed to bed in 5am this morning  and woke up 930am OAO); pretty sure have missed out some rants here, oh yea, the topic in the church today, good+bad news from 大莉 today, the failed interview, etc... (ughhh...maybe next time).



智恩 said...

just realized that you mentioned about me here.. Haha.. You're so funny lar.. My sister :)

智恩 said...

How nice if I can like you, able to wrote in English.. I wish I can but English not good as you :(