Sunday, June 30


from a seed, grow roots...
and first leaf
then bud and lastly it blooms
but in the end..
it died

some people said money is power
some people said what's position you're holding is power
I said BOTH

how much I hate to say that
but that's the truth
world is a materialistic place
outta' 100 people (over 16 years old) , you might just find 20 persons or less that have a true kind heart
that's we called them NAIVE
and people does change
we won't know how or when
they just....change

truth is, I do hate some people around me
power, position, and money
these are the culprits of life

why can't human just be guileless in their life time
why human have to be advanced and sophisticated
am I born in wrong age

this is sad case which we can't avoid sometime
therefore, we try to adapt
ADAPT might means that we become one like those people

Not sure how long can bear with this life
adaption could fail anytime

hence, for now
before changing into another beast
just can PRAY


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