Sunday, June 30


from a seed, grow roots...
and first leaf
then bud and lastly it blooms
but in the end..
it died

Thursday, June 27


not sure when the passion to blog started to lost 
obstacle obstacle obstacle

inspiration came just before sleep or before turn off the laptop
but yet, can't manage to cope with time
oh TIME! can you stop for a while
let my 'pastime' lasts longer

can rewind back all the trips, ventures, etc...
til then...


Kluang Railway Station

Sesame Street Performance at USS

Garden by the Bay

Baby ZiWei 


Sunday, June 9

Protect Me

been emo for months
been sad for months
been angry for months

can I leave all that behind?

it will be an irresponsible act
which I won't be able to do, in whole life

and, again...
every Sun I'll attend Sun service
pray that The Almighty will give me strength
to live through the week ahead

(emo state)

wish this all can be gone with wind
and the sky shall be bright with sunshine when I awake

Dearest Father,
Please keep me safe and protect me from devil thoughts
Please strengthen my heart to go through the week ahead
Please guide me through all the difficulties
With the name of Lord,
