Thursday, December 23

was thinking what to write last nite
really out of inspiration
@ last decided to write something about artists
well, kinda hot news of artists
this morning read an article about artists that will getting marry next year
one of them

Christine Fan & Blackie Chen

they do match each other
well, not said about their skin colour, lol!
they don't have similarity look (means couple alike)
they just match with each other
love Christine Fan very much
sista jing too! Lol!

well, do wish them the best
waiting their wedding news on May next year :p

N' saw the news Lee Hom gonna be best man!


D & H (initial of respectively name) @ last announced their relationship last nite sweet!
expecting good out-coming from they
keep it up, guys!
wishing u both will last 4eva~


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