Wednesday, December 28

how to be brave

What if you afraid of falling?
How do you get to be brave?
And, what if in a thousand years, I've been dead waiting for you
Something unrealistic enough

To have letting you found me instead


Saturday, December 3

Am I Gonna Tell U 'all'???

a lot of secrets

yet to be told

and can't be told

just let it be covered

within this little heart

til' precise time reaches

it shall be revealed then


Sunday, November 27




Friday, November 18

Bottle Tree Park

终于到了Bottle Tree Park!! *^^*
因当天梅姐姐计划了让我们体验到打paintball game,所以才有机会到这里

Bottle Tree Park

当天拍的照: Joyful Day - Paintball Game

而且。辣椒姐也做了片段,还真是行 -.-
Video On PaintBall

Tuesday, November 15


How do U cure sleepless nite?????

It's tough

Cuz' U won't know the TIME U gonna fall ASLEEP

Yet, U still have to make it on time the next morning...



Friday, November 11

Friday, October 21

Back Again

Dislikes Dynamic Views
Missing old template with those lovely side bar
Welcome back!


Wednesday, October 19

Duck Tour & Popeyes ( +Orchard's Walk)

yeah! duckboat tour...
again, bought this through Groupon (included Singapore Flyer but choose to separate it)

we went on Sat after work (quite sleepy)
so expecting this short tour will be quite exciting
(well, entertained mostly with the voice of tour guide, lol)

Wish You Were Here

Damn, damn!
Wish you were here

I can be tough
I can be strong
But with you..
It's not like that at all


A Circle?

Corner With Love - Story of a rich girl become poor out of sudden and unexpectedly falls in love with a moderate guy

been in a deep thought
if want to meet a correct person, how long a person have to wait?
some people found part of themselves in young age
some found at late age
however, how true it can be close with idol drama (such as Taiwan/Korea dramas)?
it's kinda pathetic to know that it won't happen in real life
(or probably happen once in 100 of chances)

yep, now for sure there are a lot of consideration
those are counts as backgrounds

Asian, especially Chinese...
emphasizes more on a person background more than others
(others = love for sure)
c'mon, it's a reality
people known by appearance, then background of the person
appearance will be brought as second after that

Autumn Concerto - Story of a rich little girl become poor, growing poor and lastly been with love with a rich guy

now, how many girls wishing her partner is a rich person?
or just someone who can afford to earn a stable living?
well, every girls does

and how many guys wishing to have a pretty partner?
again, every guys

and seems to earn a 'LOVE' can be a hard work too
first sight
can be one of these two paths
one - he / she is the one
two - break up

however, if compared with olden days, nowadays...
couple's divorcing becomes a common news
therefore, marriage is not a big deal
a person can get marry few times in a lifetime

or get marry at the first sight

Love You - Story about a woman & a man got married when they were drunk, and falls in love eventually

Hence, how many circles we have to walk and look for the right one?
How many coincidence that means for the right person to appear?
Finding partner can be a hard work as slimming down / gaining weight!


Sunday, October 16

Pao Xiang Bah Kut Teh

Traditional Chinese Fare at Pao Xiang Bah Kut Teh
yummy yummy!
well,  this restaurant is famous at KL, and at Singapore have 2 branch only
one at Marina Square, City Hall & another one at Nex Mall, Serangoon
Pao Xiang Bah Kut Teh Website

and, once again was Mic discovered again this deal at Groupon :)
Pao Xiang Bah Kut Teh Deal
so once again another chance to try nice & cheap foods! yumyum!! XD
and we went to Marina Square branch (fixed location)
the environment not bad, quite nice place for gathering
(guess the reason is we had it on weekday, so, less crowd)

mini chili was brought along too
but we quite busy eating and she was totally ignored...
pity her... ( :p )

gnom gnom... fragrant rice! can eat just like that

our big bah kut teh meal!!!

and, for sure we ordered some veges too...
need to have some greens in a meal, rite? :D

afterwards, we went to Kopitiam to get our frozen yoghurt
Chili was longing to have one :p
and while waiting them purchase the yoghurt, saw this decoration (as below)
quite creative though

ooppss, another mini chili's special appearance

as we had our dinner 'too fast'
and we'3 8' just love to talk non-stop
so, we have a walk around and discovered this area
Millenia Walk at Marina Square
hmm, never know have this area there even though went there few times, lol!

this is not a construction site
it's at Millenia Walk, thinks this is count as a walk too
all the structures does look just like in construction
quite scary though, especially after the maintenance had the light turned off
and Mic just so daring to step up (forgot she's RE, not big deal for her)

felt so insecure with those floor, had feeling gonna fall down anytime
(been too imaginative with FD the movie)

lastly, had this photo as closing, another day with full stomach! XD

***forgot to bring little black, took these all photos with little HTC***


Saturday, October 15

Dynamic Views

discovered Blogger have new dynamic views

seems interesting

so, just give it a try few days



Sunday, October 9


Considering wanna to sign up 1 too..
Thinking thinking...
Squeezing juicy brain to the dry..

Those photos, quotes.....too pretty to reject

how cool is that

but, in temporary time...

blogger is enough


Sunday, October 2

Dine In - with Mini Chili @ Swensens & Bakerzin

终于跟Mini Chili见面啦

大家好!初次在这网站见面 :)

Friday, September 30

Don't Think That U Know It All

C'mon.... Don't think that u know everything about me!

Won't impressed, sorry, duh!

And, just focus on your life...

I've my own life to care of.



okay, for the previous post
here are the answers for the QR code
(just in case nobody won't like to guess, lolz!)

well, I downloaded 'i-nigma' - a QR code reader to my android
just thinks it's something fun to play with :p

here there are...

 let's get started

QR code even can use for generate text word, cool....



and, generate e-mail address

(my gmail)

generated my twitter profile too :)


lastly, my blog site :p

it might be nothing special
but with the growth of smartphone & apple users nowadays, quite a lot people can download QR reader
and it make people easier than typing whole web address
anyway, this is just for simple sharing

